Past Presentations
2025 Presentation Series
Observational and Statistical Analysis of Beehive Geyser’s 2024 Activity
Presenter: Korben Cooper
This presentation explores the eruptive and behavioral observations of Beehive Geyser during 2024, providing statistical and observational insight into key factors, including interval, duration, indicator activity, progression into eruptions, impact of external conditions, and correlations with nearby geysers.
Geyser Paleontology – Sinter Morphologies and its application to dormant/extinct features
Presenter: Micah Kipple
Geyserite and its associated structures are as striking and unique as the fountains that create them. This presentation will summarize some of the more common morphologies of geyserite and sinter in Yellowstone geysers, the behavior that produces them, and how that can be used to reconstruct hypothetical prehistoric behavior of dormant features, and interpret current formations to glimpse into the past.
Past Presentations
2024 Presentation Series
Go to 5: All About Two Way Radios
Presenter: Art Haeussler
Yellowstone’s remoteness and topography presents unique challenges in todays always connected world. Two way radio technology is still the most reliable form of communication throughout the Greater Yellowstone area. We will cover the basics from big box store two way radios and how to program them to more advanced GMRS/FRS radios. Learn about licensing requirements, gear recomendations and tips/tricks on how to operate your radios effecively.
Introduction to Giant
Presenter: Tara Cross
Overview of historical active phases, related features in the Giant-Grotto system, and when to look for Giant Hot Periods.
Additional Documents and Links
When To Walk Away – A New Look Into Old Data
Presenter: Demetri Stoumbos
Geyser interval statistics have long been a useful tool for gazers, primarily seen as a histogram and an average. Here we will look at a different way to crunch the numbers and tease out some trends that lie hidden in how we’re used to seeing the data.
Geyser Gazing in New Zealand
Presenters: Suzanne Strasser and Heinrich Koenig
Geyser gazing in New Zealand is a different experience than Yellowstone: a combination of the familiar and the different. Suzanne Strasser and Heinrich Koenig will present a perspective based on their two recent visits. They will discuss the thermal areas they visited, how they maximized their observation time and opportunities, what they would do again and what they would do differently on their next visit. Information on reference materials and maps will be provided.
The power of continuous, long-term hydrothermal monitoring
Presenters: Mara Reed
Norris Geyser Basin is the only thermal area in Yellowstone with permanent monitoring equipment that telemeters data for storage in public databases. Mara Reed, PhD candidate at UC Berkeley, will share insights from ongoing research on Steamboat Geyser and Norris disturbances that highlight the necessity of long-term monitoring.
Compiling The Maximum Known Height of The Major Geysers
Presenter: Ben Vander Ley
Establishing some standards for measuring geyser height, and compiling a list of the record known height for many of the major geysers. Also will be giving some additional information related to the height of each geyser covered.
GeyserTimes: A History and Future
Presenter: Jake Young
How GeyserTimes started, major events, counts of historical data, etc.
Steam and Sage – An Overview and Visitor’s Guide to Mickey Hot Springs
Presenter: Micah Kipple
Economic Activity January 2024 and Penta Mixed Phase
Presenter: Graham Meech
Description of the rare Economic activity seen in January with videos of minor, normal, and major eruptions, and suggestions of what to look for this summer. Also includes advice on when to look for Penta Mixed Phase eruptions which were quite common last year.