[Geysers] Geyser Report Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 14:26:37 PDT 2016

Geyser Report Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Since Fan and Mortar erupted at 2055 last night, my plan was a trip to
Norris to see Whirligig.  Norris was still closed when I entered the W Gate
this AM, so off to the LGB.

Lots of steam/fog at Fountain Flat.  The flow from Seredipity Meadow is
more extensive then the culvert under Firehole Lake Dr can drain.  There
continues to be a lot of water on the road, starting well before the

When I arrived at Great Fountain at 0712, it was in early overflow.  I was
estimating 0800-0845 eruption, hedging the prediction a bit having missed
the 1st overflow.  The mists did clear a bit before the 0821 eruption
(P=6), but the cool air meant lots of steam.  I headed for Fountain after
the 1st series.

Beehive erupted overnight
Fountain: 0920 D=31
Great Fountain: 0821 P=6
Pink Cone: Maureen Edgerton 1st saw it ie at 0746--nice rainbows

Barbara Lasseter
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