[Geysers] Geyser Report Sunday, September 20, 2015

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 16:37:35 PDT 2015

Geyser Report Sunday, September 20, 2015

A gorgeous day!!  28-31 going into the park--had just a touch of cloud over
geyser hill to reflect the sunrise.  Sunny and 60's coming home with enough
breeze to make a light jacket feel good.

Beehive: looked as though it erupted overnight
Grand: 0701 overflow (Jim Scheirer), 0205E, 0953 2 burst Q (pretty much a
tie for the start), 1632 GT
Riverside: 0924 Dean Lohrenz
Daisy: 0735 Jim Scheirer
Artemisia 1226 GT
Great Fountain: 1104 p=8
Fountain: 0958 d=29min GT
Lone Star 0013 GT
Pink Cone 0746 Will Brown
Penta steam phase 0959ie
Aurum 1059 GT
Castle: 2040E. 1006 minor, 1501 GT
Depression: 1029ns
Lion: 0709, 0829

The Aldstidls were heading for Artemisia after Great Fountain's first
series--I hope they made it!

No progress on the torn up pavement along Fountain Flat, and considering
that they seem to have patched a pothole that developed in the road base,
they may intend to leave it as is for a good while.  It must have been a
challenge to drive on the narrow roadway yesterday, complicated with
pylons, bicycles, bison....  I heard complaints that the bicycles were not
staying single file, and pulled into traffic without warning to pass other
bicycles.  I remember struggling with those issues prior years.  The
forecast is for more nice weather this week.  As my time in the park gets
short, each day seems more precious.

Barbara Lasseter
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