[Geysers] Geyser Report Thursday, September 3, 2015

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 15:01:54 PDT 2015

Geyser Report Thursday, September 3, 2015

I'm ba-a-ack!  Looks like the end of my visitors for this season.  I
enjoyed every visit!

Overheard in the basins:

At Great Fountain, adult replying to a youngsters question re: how long the
geyser would last:  "Two minutes"

At Fountain: a guide pointing out a jet eruption--"that's a rare thing!"

A 1st time YS visitor seeing his first Great Fountain eruption after some
impressive bursts in the first series: "So that's how the clouds got up

Beehive: 0258 GT (Beehive's Indicator 0249ie GT)
Grand:  0610ie (Jim Scheirer), 1433 GT
Oblong: 0721ie (Steve Eide)
Riverside: 0116ie GT, 0749 frs
Artemisia: 0837 (Mike Carlson)
Fountain: 1038ie (Steve Eide)  ended 1109
Morning's Thief: 1044 (Steve Eide)
Great Fountain: in overflow 0930 (Bil Warnock), 1019
"Rejuvenated": 0613ie
Super Frying Pan: 0915, 1057 (Steve Eide)
Labial: 1142

Pink Cone was looking promising as I left at 1300.

There was rain scattered about last night, and this AM was in high 40's
(still cool early on with humidity and good breeze)  up to 70's this
afternoon.  Traffic stopped for bison and elk are an everyday event.

Our best pictures from the most recent visit (sister, Chris) included Old
Faithful on "fire" in an early morning smokey sunrise, a grouse, pika,
battling bull elk, and a weasel.  We saw a gorgeous fox with very bushy
white-tipped tail, and 4 (four!) moose in ID Big Springs area (2 bulls, 1
cow, 1 calf) in 2 separate sightings--yeah, it was a great visit.

Barbara Lasseter
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