[Geysers] Geyser Report Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon July 18-21, 2014

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 15:43:07 PDT 2014

Geyser Report Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon July 18-21, 2014

I don't seem to have been allocating my gazing time well recently, but
here goes.

Today, Monday, July 21, 2014:
Beehive: 0701, a near 21 hour interval from yesterday's 1007.  Thank
You L.C. Dougherty for phoning with the webcam indicator of 0648ns.
It was ie as I left the gas station facilities to head to the hill at
0650.  Sunshine and favorable breeze gave those who made it to the
hill terrific rainbow shots.
I went back to Great fountain, which had not yet been in overflow as I
drove past on my way in.  Yesterday's 1101 time gave me hope I would
catch the overflow.  No worries on that account!  First overflow was
1259.  We had a so-so eruption at 1422 p=5e.  The electronic for the
overnight was night was 0033E.  Must have been a great eruption!  All
this while the VC interval is currently 10-3/4hr, and, remember, I
spent last Thursday again watching a hopeless pool only to hear it had
an approx 5-1/2hr interval (per electronic time 1033E and 1559E on Wed
7/16).  G-r-r-r.

White Dome: 0801, 0816,0902, 0936, 1012, 1040, 1118, 1216, 1236, 1257,
1422, 1450
Flood was ie at 0630
Pink Cone was 2130ie VR last night.

Yesterday, Sunday, July 20, 2014:

Beehive: 1007, water @ 0950, indicator @ 0953
Grand: 0536wc GT, 1207 T2Q
Lion: 0806 initial, 0918 end of series
Little Cub ie at 0641, 1030, 1144, 1205
Depression: 0745ns, 1218 FRS
Aurum: 1156 NS FRS
Oblong: 0956ie FRS
Riverside: 1017 FRS
Fountain: 1018 and 1036 ie FRS,
Great Fountain: 0221 (did not note source of this datum),  1101 gazer
report of a "super burst"
Twig and Clepsydra were ie at 0604
Till: strongly ie at 0619
Slot: 0648ie
Plate: 0745ie

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Grand: 0721 T2C
White: 0710ie
sat at Artemisia the rest of my time--no luck

Friday, July 18, 2014

Aurum 0652
Great Fountain: at 0757 doing edge boiling, 0448E, By the time the
electronic was downloaded, my time was gone
Morning Mist: 0613ie per steam cloud
Plate: 0640ie
White Dome: 0757ie, 0853, 1038, 1121

AND Fan & Mortar erupted @ 1110ns while I sat watching a no-hope great
fountain pool.

Lots of gazers expected to arrive soon.  The thunderstorm we are
having this afternoon appears to be leading edge of the colder weather
headed our way later this week.  I must stop at the Whiskey Flat
overlook and catch a photo of the many shades of green, before they
turn red and brown.  Time is flying.

Barbara Lasseter

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