[Geysers] Pebble Geyser

Karen Webb caros at xmission.com
Thu Jun 6 22:48:42 PDT 2013

In this area, is Crack the crack the one that's the visible crack in the 
sinter that runs toward White Dome from Cave? It always *sounds* like 
it's doing something, or trying, and I've seen wisps of steam and 
Spiteful like spitting from it.

For Pebble itself, is the pools so regular now because pebbly gunk has 
just filled in all those formations? From the video, after being 
"vacuumed" the structure of the pool was very shapely. I was wondering 
if what they did (vacuumed and lowered pool) induced the main vent or if 
that was going to turn out like Spiteful's regular spitting vent but 
there would be a rarely active main vent from more like the center of 
the pool. Gosh, random, but what I wouldn't give for a couple of hours 
to wander around Kaleidoscope to see all the different vents in Deep 
Blue with one of the old-timers who knew what vents were there. Thanks 
for the footage!
On cleaning Morning Glory, was there ever a film of the induced eruption 
and all the paraphernalia it threw out?
Karen Webb

On 6/6/2013 3:35 PM, Lynn Stephens wrote:
> I'm sorry Steve, but there IS water coming out from underneath the 
> ledge.  I first spotted the water when Pebble's water level was about 
> midway between the sinter ledge and the orange algae line.  The water 
> is clearly visible before Pebble's water rises and covers the 
> ledge.    There may have only been steam when you and Will saw it, but 
> I have watched water on three occasions now.   There are steam/gas 
> bubbles on the south side of Pebble's crater that have been there for 
> several years.
> Lynn Stephens
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 23:25:41 -0600
> From: stepheneide at cableone.net
> To: geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu
> Subject: Re: [Geysers] Pebble Geyser
> Greetings and Salutations,
> The steam/gas coming out of this crack/fracture was first noticed by 
> Will Boekel on 5-30-13 when he heard it before me.  Young ears and 
> all.  I also noticed Pebble filling and then dropping on June 1st and 
> 2nd, I was hoping for Gemini without luck.  When Pebble covers the 
> crack/fracture it looks like it is erupting but when the water level 
> drops below the feature you can tell it has no water output, just 
> steam and/or gas.  But this is the first time I have seen any activity 
> in this area also.
> Also, on 6-1-13 I did see an eruption of Spire Geyser in the Tangled 
> Creek area.
> Stephen Eide
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 10:51 PM, David Monteith <dmonteit at comcast.net 
> <mailto:dmonteit at comcast.net>> wrote:
>     Here are couple images captured Saturday of the feature I think
>     Lynn is
>     talking about.  On the two times I was looking for it, I saw it active
>     once and inactive once.  I think it was Steve E who said it had also
>     been heard making a forced steam sound when Pebble's water level was
>     low.
>     Dave
>     On Tue, 2013-06-04 at 20:17 -0600, Lynn Stephens wrote:
>     >
>     > Yesterday (6/3/2013) I noticed a feature I had never seen before on
>     > the west edge of Pebble Geyser, near the top of the area that gets
>     > inundated when Pebble fills to overflow.  When I first saw it,
>     Pebble
>     > was rising and was several inches above the algae line on the inside
>     > of the "crater".  Water was burbling out from underneath a piece of
>     > what looks like an old sinter rim.  The burbling continued even
>     after
>     > Pebble had filled to the point where Pebble's water had covered the
>     > sinter ledge be several inches and Pebble was in full overflow.
>      I did
>     > not monitor the feature closely as Pebble drained, but the three
>     time
>     > I have checked Pebble when Pebble's water was 2 to 3 inches
>     below the
>     > top of the orange algae mark on the inide of Pebble's crater, the
>     > feature was not burbling.  Height=2 to 3 inches when the feature is
>     > not underwater.  The bubbles rising from the west side of the crater
>     > when the feature is innundated are definitely water, not gas or air.
>     > The feature is intermittent but I have not observed it enough to
>     > determine either durations or intervals.
>     >
>     > Lynn Stephens
>     >
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