[Geysers] Gazing Game

Karen Webb caros at xmission.com
Thu Feb 21 19:19:39 PST 2013

Maybe an Artemesia/Atomizer dual? And seeing Giant or Giantess and/or 
F&M on the same day? Not sure of the rationale of calling something in 
ie or ns is a penalty. I'd be glad for that info on a geyser like Pink 
Cone (or Pink or Labial).
Karen Webb

On 2/18/2013 10:23 PM, Will Boekel wrote:
> Gazers,
> Micah and I, inspired by a game played at Squaw Valley Ski Resort that 
> was played as a competition in a ski move, have come up with an idea 
> to adapt their game to geyser gazing. (With obvious taming of the 
> game, as it did
> come from a ski movie) The really fun part of the game is the extra 
> credit points and the penalties. I have attached what we have come up 
> with so far for the game. We are looking for some more ideas for extra 
> credit
> points / penalties and any features that don't have a point value yet. 
> Hopefully everyone will have some fun with this in the basin because 
> as of right now we are not going to count webcam stuff. Please email 
> me any
> revision/addition comments (wolveslax65 at comcast.net 
> <mailto:wolveslax65 at comcast.net>), I will compile them and send out 
> the final version of our game before the park opens.
> Will Boekel
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