[Geysers] Grand Prismatic on an ipad

Lucille Reilly thedulcimerlady at juno.com
Tue Apr 16 20:44:48 PDT 2013

Tenley, I'd talk to the folks at GelaSkins about your photo and then let us
know what kind of arrangement has been made.


I've already sent GelaSkins the link Udo posted, but I have to say I'm not
crazy about the airplane being in there.  PhotoShop!




From: geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu
[mailto:geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu] On Behalf Of Tenley Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 6:54 PM
To: geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu
Subject: Re: [Geysers] Grand Prismatic on an ipad


Hi everyone, I am a long time lurker to these messages and have learned a
lot from everyone here, so thank you. I guess its about time I say


I have long thought about offering my Grand Prismatic image as an
ipad/iphone/tablet/phone skin or case. If there is an interest by this
community I can add it to my website offerings, the image I have in mind is




Feel free to use the contact button on the website if you want one and we
can figure something out. I wish I could offer the image for free but I will
make you a good deal that's close to cost since you all have been so
wonderful about teaching me such amazing things!




Tenley Thompson




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