[Geysers] Grand Prismatic on an ipad

Tenley Thompson tenley.thompson at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 17:54:10 PDT 2013

Hi everyone, I am a long time lurker to these messages and have learned a
lot from everyone here, so thank you. I guess its about time I say

I have long thought about offering my Grand Prismatic image as an
ipad/iphone/tablet/phone skin or case. If there is an interest by this
community I can add it to my website offerings, the image I have in mind is


Feel free to use the contact button on the website if you want one and we
can figure something out. I wish I could offer the image for free but I
will make you a good deal that's close to cost since you all have been so
wonderful about teaching me such amazing things!


Tenley Thompson
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