[Geysers] Fan and Mortar 5 September 2011 (Barwin)

Mary Beth Schwarz schwarzmb at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 19:37:16 PDT 2011

These details are from the 5 Sept. 2011 Fan & Mortar:

     1010 River on

     1015 River off...Pause

     Main Vent was putting out heavy steam until first water seen by me at
1024 (others saw spits that I could not confirm)

     1031 River on

     1040 River off...Pause #2

     MV continued to splash until 1051

     1049 River on

     1058 River off...Pause #3

     1101 River on

     1108 Gold on

     Water levels varied from good to not so good, until...

     1114 Angle on

     And then it was GAME ON!  As soon as Angle turned on, High and Gold
responded with water levels that improved with each passing minute.

     1118 - Ten minutes into Gold and water levels were Excellent!

     1119 - A LOCK is declared and many gazers and visitors begin to stow
possessions and waterproof themselves while staking out optimal viewing

     1125 - Nice surge from Upper Mortar, but it realized it would be a
break in protocol to initiate an eruption during a Fan LOCK  and quickly
recalled its water and withdrew to wait its turn.  Moments later...

     1125 FAN and MORTAR    East and Main Vents started the eruption at
virtually the same time.
Upper and Lower Mortar started only a few seconds later.  In looking at the
puddles left by Main and East, I would not be surprised if water was landing
in Norris Pool.

     1140  end of first burst of the eruption of the Fan vents.  Sorry, I
did not record the end of the water for Upper and Lower Mortar.

     1143-1145 Restart 1

     1147-1150 Restart 2

     1155-1157 Restart 3

     1200  Powerful steam from East, no water

     Duration = 32 minutes

     A blue sky eruption - spectacular!

     A pre-departure eruption for many - satisfying.

     A fabulous eruption shared with good friends - priceless!

     Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Barwin
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