<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>These details are from the 5 Sept. 2011 Fan & Mortar:<br><br> 1010 River on<br><br> 1015 River off...Pause<br><br> Main Vent was putting out heavy steam until first water seen by me at 1024 (others saw spits that I could not confirm)<br>
<br> 1031 River on<br><br> 1040 River off...Pause #2<br><br> MV continued to splash until 1051<br><br> 1049 River on<br><br> 1058 River off...Pause #3<br><br> 1101 River on<br><br> 1108 Gold on<br>
<br> Water levels varied from good to not so good, until...<br><br> 1114 Angle on<br><br> And then it was GAME ON! As soon as Angle turned on, High and Gold responded with water levels that improved with each passing minute.<br>
<br> 1118 - Ten minutes into Gold and water levels were Excellent!<br><br> 1119 - A LOCK is declared and many gazers and visitors begin to stow possessions and waterproof themselves while staking out optimal viewing positions<br>
<br> 1125 - Nice surge from Upper Mortar, but it realized it would be a break in protocol to initiate an eruption during a Fan LOCK and quickly recalled its water and withdrew to wait its turn. Moments later...<br><br>
1125 FAN and MORTAR East and Main Vents started the eruption at virtually the same time.<br>Upper and Lower Mortar started only a few seconds later. In looking at the puddles left by Main and East, I would not be surprised if water was landing in Norris Pool.<br>
<br> 1140 end of first burst of the eruption of the Fan vents. Sorry, I did not record the end of the water for Upper and Lower Mortar.<br><br> 1143-1145 Restart 1<br><br> 1147-1150 Restart 2<br><br> 1155-1157 Restart 3<br>
<br> 1200 Powerful steam from East, no water<br><br> Duration = 32 minutes<br><br> A blue sky eruption - spectacular!<br><br> A pre-departure eruption for many - satisfying.<br><br> A fabulous eruption shared with good friends - priceless!<br>
<br> Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Barwin<br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br> <br> <br>