[Geysers] 19, 20, and 21 July 2011 (Schwarz)

Mary Beth Schwarz schwarzmb at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 13:24:44 PDT 2011

19 July 2011:

     Morning Mist  1315 (7'),  1434 (4'),  1436 (6'),  1550 (3'),  1621 (to
2')  from Dick Powell

20 July 2011:

     Fountain  2037 (d=30m)

     Grand  0922(G2Q)  (NOT G1Q typo yesterday),  1928(V0/T3Q)

     Great Fountain  1655ns,  or OF logbook 1648?  (is the Pause the

     Oblong 1832

21  July  2011:

     Artemisia  0629ie

     Aurum  1050

     Beehive  0230

     Castle  0234  MAJOR

     Daisy  0607

     Depression  0632,  0926ie

     Dome  0627

     Fountain 0814

     Grand  0343(T1C),  0947(_1Q)

     Great Fountain  0529ie

     Little Cub  0944ie,  1058ie

     Oblong  0554ie

     Plume  0647,  0939,  1033ie,

     Rift  1019

     Sawmill  0635ns

     Sputnik  0959,  1002,  1004,  1005,  1009,  1012,  1015,  1013,

     West Triplet  0956

               The overnight low in West Yellowstone and at OF was about 31
degrees so maybe some of the voracious mosquitoes were killed.

               Grand at 0947 today (21 July) was a 6h 4m interval, the
shortest we have seen this summer.

               Bulger had a major at 1032.  Water rose in Bulger's hole at
1036 and there was bubbling, but then it drained without erupting.  Tardy
was still ie after a Tardy cycle and during the drain.  Sawmill had water
dropping very low in  the crater when I left.  Some gazers planned to
observe the next cycle of the Sawmill group to see what Bulger and its hole
would do.

          Mary Beth Schwarz
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