[Geysers] Lion data analysis

Michael Goldberg goldbeml at ucmail.uc.edu
Thu Mar 11 22:16:02 PST 2010


Thanks for putting together the Lion intervals chart.  I do see some 
correlation between longer series and longer series intervals.  But I 
think most of it comes from the amount of time that the series itself is 
in progress.

Inspired by your chart, I created a little Excel file comparing the length 
of the quiet period (from the last eruption of one series to the next 
initial) to series length.  Hopefully it does not contain too many 
time-arithmetic errors.

To me the numbers looked more or less random.  I'd like to get a second or 
third opinion.

The data set starts on October 14, 2009.  Lion had a then-ordinary series 
with two eruptions at 0537 and 0712 then fell quiet for a then-unusual 
(but now ordinary) period of time.  The switch to long series with long 
break in between was more or less immediate.

I remain generally skeptical of Geyser Hill connection theories, however 
it is striking that Giantess initiated an eruption at 0448 on October 14.
And it is similarly striking that Giantess' eruptions at 17:10 on 12/24 
and 13:49 on 1/30 take place during Lion's two longest periods of 

Lion didn't have as much reponse to Giantess on 7/6/09, 5/8/08, or 
7/25/06.  [Though the jury could really go either way for 5/8/08.]

All of this leaves me at a complete loss to predict what Lion might do 
next.  As usual.

Michael Goldberg
Michael.Goldberg at uc.edu

On Thu, 11 Mar 2010, TSBryan at aol.com wrote:

> If this duplicates the efforts of anybody else, well OK and sorry, but I 
> had to do something while idling away some time. But I was curious about 
> the relationship between Lion Geyser's number of eruptions in a series 
> versus the length of the following series interval. How strong is the 
> relationship, if any?
> Attached is a small jpg chart showing the result, based on the data 
> posted by Ralph Taylor on the GOSA website, for the period of 10/10/2009 
> through 2/12/2010.
> If this trend continues this summer, methinks few are going to sit on 
> the thing waiting for an initial.
> Scott Bryan
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