[Geysers] Wecam Times 08/05/2010

Rich Gatlin richlg96 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 20:19:08 PDT 2010

Here are some times from the webcams on Thursday 08/05/10  taken from
the chat log (<http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>
) thanks to the gang for all the reports.

High spot for the night  - Lion short interval
Last reported Lion this morning before cam outage was 07:22:30 no
Lions reported after cam came back online at 12:51 until 20:34:50
Initial. (  http://i37.tinypic.com/f354s7.jpg ) capture courtesy Inez

Lion interval 13h12m max.

Aug 05, 2010

Beehive Indicator 19:08ns

Beehive 19:29:43ns

Lion 06:05ie 07:15:29ie puff 07:22:30ie 20:08:47ie puff 20:34:50ie initial

OF 07:31:01ie 13:43ie 15:24ie 16:26:26ie 18:13:06ie 19:07:41ie

Plume 08:44:39ie 13:13:36ie 14:16:43ie 16:17:24ie 17:22:40ie 19:36:44ns

Static cam frozen 08:59:10 - 12:51:10

Rich Henderson

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