[Geysers] BBC show

Elric dewisant at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 11:29:50 PDT 2009

This one was three hours long, in three parts.  Each one a season.
Winter, Summer and Autumn.  Winter and Summer both kinda half cover
Spring.  The end of each episode is a little short called "Yellowstone
People".  Winter it's Jeff Henry (shoveling snow off building roofs
all winter).  Summer, it's the Geyser Gazers and Autumn, it's Mike
Kasic, who did sound recording for the project and apparently likes to
swim in the Yellowstone River with the trout.  It's copyright 2009 by
BBC Bristol.

Douglas Hampton

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 12:23, Gary Einstein <greinstein at prodigy.net> wrote:
> Was this the 2 hour Discovery program from earlier this month?  It covered
> all four seasons with limited geyser footage.   If so, it should repeat
> every so often.
> Gary Einstein
> Elric wrote:
>> If you're referring to the 3-parter simply titled "Yellowstone", it
>> just barely finished running on he BBC in the UK (Part 3, Autumn,
>> literally premiered yesterday).  I couldn't wait, so I vacuumed all of
>> it (thank you to the BBC for approving of bittorrent!).  The end of
>> part 2 features all the gazers for about 10 or 15 minutes.  Even
>> though it's mostly about the fauna, it's really amazingly well done.
>> Hopefully, BBC America will run it soon, and Discovery probably will
>> by the end of the summer.
>> Well worth seeing!
>> Douglas Hampton
>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 22:09, Kevin Leany <kleany at cox.net> wrote:
>>> Does anyone know when they are going to air the documentary the BBC
>>> filmed
>>> this summer?  I know it is supposed to be on Discovery, but my cable also
>>> carries BBC.
>>> Kevin Leany
>>> kleany at cox.net.
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