[Geysers] Two items

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Fri Jan 9 15:36:04 PST 2009

1. Congress passed and the president signed -- so it is law and will take  
place -- a bill called the America's Beautiful National Parks Quarter Dollar Act 
 of 2008. This 5 quarters per year program will start with the 2010 date and  
continue for 11 years total. Coins will be issued "in the order in which each 
 selected site was first established as a national site." Thus, no doubt, the 
 first of these quarters will show something Yellowstone-ish. Will there be 
any  sort of public input -- I have no idea.
2. Per an article in the January 2009 issue of _Geology_ regarding the  
uplift and 'quakes in long Valley, California, "...we are able to unambiguously  
determine that magma is the cause of unrest." So maybe if we're lucky, (this is  
a joke) both Long Valley and Yellowstone will blow up and end the world's  
problems at the same time.
Scott Bryan
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