[Geysers] Avoca Spring

Pat Snyder riozafiro at comcast.net
Sun Jun 1 18:06:48 PDT 2008

Also on May 28, 2008, I observed larger eruptions of Avoca Spring at  
Biscuit Basin than I had ever seen before, although I am guessing this  
isn't anything new.
Here are a couple of photos, taken from each side. The big splashes  
were about four or so minutes apart.
Avoca means "It leads" in Spanish (from the verb avocar, to lead), and  
whether or not that is the reason for the spring's name, it certainly  
has taken the lead over from the Silver Globes, and although there is  
water in that system, I didn't see anything erupt in about 30 minutes  
of observation.

Pat Snyder

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