[Geysers] Mountain Bikes on Nat'l Park trails

Jan and Lew janet.johns5 at verizon.net
Sat Dec 20 19:59:44 PST 2008

I could finally make it out to Shoshone, bad foot and all---wow.   We've 
biked many trails in many states.  Al l of the bike trails we've been on are 
also hiking trails and generally speaking hikers and bikers are fine 
together.  Bears....well....I don't want to meet one walking or on a bike. 
Groups and noise are the best policy same as always.  The ruts are because 
the trail isn't being properly maintained for either bikes or hikers. A well 
maintained trail does not have ruts.   That is an issue that should be 
addressed and would make a better trail for both.  As for off trail 
biking...yep a problem...so is off trail everything. A risk to both the 
rider and the features if not properly informed and fined.

Jan Johns

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Udo Freund" <gosastore at roadrunner.com>
To: "Geyser Observation Reports" <geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu>
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:36 PM
Subject: [Geysers] Mountain Bikes on Nat'l Park trails

> The Billings Gaz-bag  ... err, Gazette ...  has an article in today's 
> edition about rules changing for mountain bikes on trails.  URL: 
> http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2008/12/20/news/wyoming/20-bikes.txt
> Comments anyone?
> I offer a few of my own.  1) Bikes in bear country are a bad mix and 
> resultant liability will be an issue.  Hikers and trail bikers are almost 
> as bad a mix.  Perhaps signed written waivers should be required.  2) 
> Keeping bikes on trails is similar to keeping vehicles on designated 
> roads.  There will always be a few idiots who will go anywhere they want. 
> Of course they wouldn't care about any damage they cause nor would they 
> want to accept responsibility (liability again) for that.  3) Bikes do 
> carve ruts in trails so who will be financially and physically responsible 
> for trail upkeep?  As I understand things, there are limited resources for 
> hiking trails, which probably require less maintenance.
> Udo
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