[Geysers] Re: Geyser Basin Maps

Udo Freund gosastore at roadrunner.com
Sun Dec 14 10:18:17 PST 2008

The "Sput" insert no longer mentions these maps due to lack of 
sufficient space to describe them adequately.  The insert mentions the 
GOSA Store website having many more items than can be shown in print.  
Coincidentally I scanned all of those maps plus USGS Geologic 
Investigative Series Maps of Upper (I-1371) & Lower (I-1373) Basins on 
Friday.  All of them are available as paper copies on the GOSA Store 
and now also in digital form - on a CD-ROM in both jpg and pdf formats.  
Considering that GOSA paid to scan them (not a big sum) I was hoping 
that a few folks would be interested in purchasing them in order to 
recover costs.  I asked the GOSA Board of Directors what, if anything 
else, GOSA might wish to do with them.  I proposed an option to upload 
them either as-is or in reduced resolution versions to the GOSA website 
for free downloading.  File sizes are not huge (unlike the 1904 Hague 
Atlas scans) so I think that server space and downloading would not be 
big issues.  Don Might, our webmaster and donator of the website, has 
not yet responded as to feasibility of all this.  Nor has the Board 
responded to my proposal so far.  But I realize everyone is probably 
busy with the upcoming holiday season.

I agree the GIS / GPS mapping efforts recently displayed here need help, 
so I will take it upon myself to provide a CD to Carolyn free of 
charge.  It will be mailed tomorrow.

BTW, the Store's pages show thumbnails of these maps.  Not great images 
but you get an idea of what they are about.

Happy Holidays or Bah, Humbug - your preference!


TSBryan at aol.com wrote:

> Udo -- see last paragraph please.
> OK, I'll be a real curmudgeon. My honest opinion is, that unless a lot 
> (read A LOT) of reworking of these new maps is done, then they should 
> not be used. Considering here only the UGB South map, some examples 
> (only a few of the possibilities) of the errors:
> -- Where is Sawmill Geyser? The name is closer to a mystery red dot 
> than it is to the red dot that presumably represents Sawmill. And I 
> call that a "mystery red dot" because I'll contend that there is no 
> spring (at least not one of any significance) at that location.
> -- And in that area, what happened to Scalloped? South Scalloped? the 
> Terra Cotta complex?
> -- The trail(s) as shown are quite inaccurate. Like the jogs next to 
> Sulphide and North Goggles (which is, by the way, North GoggleS). Gee, 
> I wonder where Little Squirt is; right next to Beehive, apparently.
> -- At Belgian Pool, the trail appears to go across a spring or two, 
> where interestingly there are four seemingly-unidentified dots.
> Little hardly-ever-noticed Lavender Pool (which is actually Lavender 
> Spring, not Pool) is identified, fer cryin' out loud, but Beauty pool 
> is not identified.
> -- Indeed, there isn't even a red dot anywhere between Vent Geyser and 
> unidentified Beauty Pool.
> I quit at that. The maps need a whole lot of work.
> Now, how's this for curmudgeonly -- the USGS produced a whole series 
> of accurate (surveyed) thermal maps. Once upon a time there were two 
> or three complete sets in the OFVC prep room. I have a personal set 
> given to me by Dr. D. E. White. GOSA makes copies of my set available 
> (well, I think GOSA does so -- I see that they are not listed in the 
> Store's insert in the December 2008 Sput -- Udo comment?). They are 
> accurate (frankly, I believe in at least some cases more accurate that 
> the more recent GPS efforts) and could be updated with great ease. AND 
> THEY ARE ALREADY AVAILABLE!!! [Oh, yeah -- people in the "Spatial 
> Analysis Center" need work. (Sorry) ]
> Scott Bryan
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