[Geysers] Fwd: Silver Globe Gp

Pat Snyder riozafiro at comcast.net
Wed Mar 28 17:22:13 PDT 2007

Hi Everyone.
Dave Goldberg sent this rundown on the Silver Globe Group and asked  
that I forward it to the list.
Pat S.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "David Goldberg" <david_j_goldberg at hotmail.com>
> Date: March 28, 2007 8:32:27 AM PDT
> To: riozafiro at comcast.net
> Subject: Silver Globe Gp
>    Everyone has their own names for the geysers of this group so  
> I'll use the
> names I learned and hopefully it'll be clear.  When I was there in  
> early March
> I saw Silver Globe Cave and Silver Globe Pair in addition to Slit.   
> The 'eruptions'
> of Cave were not the full sized eruptions it had been having last  
> year.  They
> were the small ones, confined to the immediate crater area.  It is  
> of course
> debatable whether these should count as eruptions since the are  
> pretty much
> the same as the preplay you  would see when it is having larger  
> eruptions.
> If I remember Scott's book correctly they were designated 'minor'  
> eruptions
> but I'd have to re-read.  Slit was the only geyser of any size that  
> I saw.
> Avoca Spring still had some water but seemed weaker than it was in the
> Fall.  I've never been completely sold on the whole exchange of  
> function
> between Avoca and Silver Globe since the best year of activity I  
> ever saw
> for Silver Globe (1990) was also one of the best years I ever saw for
> Avoca.  Go figure.
> David Goldberg
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