[Geysers] Google Earth imagery updates

caverns caverns at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 22:06:59 PST 2006

The Google Earth development team has announced an update on its
15-meter base imagery. The software is now using imagery from
TerraMetrics/TrueEarth instead of Landsat. Most of Yellowstone is not
affected since the much of the park already possesses
higher-than-15-meter-resolution data. However, for Geysernaya
(Russia), El Tatio (Chile), Iceland, and New Zealand, I have noticed
significant improvements. Sulphur Bay at Rotorua, New Zealand, is
particularly striking with the new imagery.

A Google Earth placemark file for many of the world's geyser fields
can be found online at:

Also, instructions to access my Google Earth implementation of the El
Tatio Geysers database also can be found online at:

Alan Glennon
UCSB Geography

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