[Geysers] Listserv archives & webcam observations

Tara Cross fanandmortar at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 25 16:04:31 PDT 2006

Because I have been involved in the archiving of listserv posts for the Yellowstone Park Archives, I would just like to say this.
Posts to this listserv ARE documents of record--information that is ALREADY of great use to us now, not to mention the geyser 
enthusiasts of the future.  The logbook and temperature logs do not show the details of Giant hot periods, or the length of 
Great Fountain's overflow, or whether the Beehive Bubbler was active, or the pre-eruptive behavior of Fan & Mortar 
(may they rest in peace).  Anyone wishing to do research beyond statistical data analysis will find the archives of this 
listserv to be a tremendous resource.

So here's a challenge for someone with computer expertise (that would definitely not be me).  Several years ago Heinrich 
Koenig set up a server whereby gazers could report geyser eruptions online, creating a log of geyser eruptions that could 
theoretically be updated in real time.  The biggest problem with this idea at the time was that gazers who were actually 
seeing eruptions in Yellowstone were usually unable to access the internet to update the log.  But with the webcam, 
it might be an idea worth pursuing again.  This log could then be archived, and future researchers could use it, knowing 
full well that it came from webcam observations.

I am aware that such a thing would take time and resources, but it might be a solution.

Just a thought.

--Tara Cross
fanandmortar at hotmail.com

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