[Geysers] Beehive

srlb at eskimo.com srlb at eskimo.com
Thu Aug 24 14:21:46 PDT 2006


> The following is a general comment only:
> I tend to agree with Lynn -- people have gotten hyper over the new webcam
> --
> yes, it is nice, but. Things have been reported that just ain't so, along
> with times that are off. And off, even if by only a bit, is off. This
> stuff is
> being archived, you know. Do you want your falsehood perpetuated into the
> future?

First, the term "falsehood" has a associated with it a connotation of lie
and/or deliberate misrepresentation. Are you implying this of those who
make such reports?

Second, for a report not to fall under your personal definition of a
falsehood, the time given must be within what range of the actual time? I
mean exactly how close; what's the absolute maximum deviation? And what is
your authoritative justification for this limit?

> Scott Bryan
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