[Geysers] Geysers on youtube.com

Bruce Jensen bpnjensen at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 2 08:54:51 PDT 2006

Thanks for this, Vicki...very nice.  I noticed a decent, if slightly
blurry, Penta Geyser video there too, under the name of  > Geyser erupting
over the path <.  Apparently the videographer didn't notice the name, and
was unaware of his relative luck in capturing it.

Bruce Jensen

--- "Whitledge, Vicki M." <WHITLEVM at uwec.edu> wrote:

> I just searched for geyser videos on youtube.com.  Typing in only the
> word "geyser" into their search engine produced quite a few hits (and
> included many videos of mentos/coke "geysers"). 
> There were, of course, many videos of Old Faithful and other Yellowstone
> geysers.  There were also videos of New Zealand, El Tatio, and Iceland. 
> My two favorite videos were one of Strokkur Geyser (searching on
> "Strokkur" will take you right to it) and another of El Tatio (search on
> "El Tatio").  Both of these videos were over 2 minutes long.  The video
> of Strokkur contained some excellent blue bubbles.  It also had more of
> the right "feel" for watching geysers since the eruption did not occur
> until more than a minute into the video.  Before that you get to watch
> water going up and down in a hole, how familiar!  The video of El Tatio
> didn't have eruptions but it showed the general area and some features. 
> I found it very interesting.
> There was also a video of a "geyser" at Suwa Lake, Japan. A caption said
> it erupts every hour. The video showed a steaming hole but I didn't see
> an eruption.  Is there really a geyser there?
> Vicki Whitledge
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Bruce Jensen

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