[Geysers] Belated Geyser report for 10/16-17 and 10/22-23 (Kitt)

barger barger at tritel.net
Thu Oct 27 00:02:01 PDT 2005

     Sorry about the lateness of this report.  My weeks are spent working at preschool, unpacking, doing laundry, then repacking and driving to Yellowstone Friday before the 8 PM East Entrance closes, gazing as much as possible Saturday and Sunday, then heading home before the East Entrance closes.
     I had enjoyed my son's band festival in Casper on Saturday the 15th, returned home at midnight, and headed for Yellowstone at 5 AM Sunday morning (the 16th).  October 16 and 17 offerred sunny, but breezy days to geyser gaze in Yellowstone.  The Log Book showed Beehive had erupted at 1241 on the 14th and 1055 on the 15th (No Indicator per MA).  So with the hope of catching my daily Beehive, I tried to cover the entire basin by myself.  (I sure miss the other gazers and their eyes.)  
0951 Plume and the Visitor Center radioed Grand had 0651 E.  Daisy was in eruption 1024 as I rounded the corner on my bike, Startling was ie at 1036, Riverside was 1021 ie (steam), S. Grotto Fountain was ie at 1040.  
     At 1112, there was a Giant Hot Period with Feather, Feather Sat., S. W. V., 1" Turtle, 4 minutes into the Hot Period, Mastiff 1-2' sustained for 2 minutes with a maximum height of 3' during the hot period.  India was 90% covered and the duration was ~8m 50s.
     I returned to Grand only to do the math and realize that I was too early.  West Triplet erupted at 1239 and I hurried toward Oblong, but too late I saw the billowing steam cloud grow in size.  Oblong - 1240 ie ns (I enjoyed it as I hurried on toward Grotto).  Grotto Fountain was ie ns at 1241and Giant had a 1-2 minute Hot Period at 1248 as I continued toward Grotto.  Grotto 1251 (as viewed from the new boardwalk which I feel still offers a good view).  (Marathon pool was down.)  I returned to Grand to observe many Turbans.  Daisy erupted at 1347 and the Visitor Center was kind enough to radio Beehive's Indicator ie at 1402.  THANK YOU!  I hurried to Geyser Hill and Beehive erupted as I passed Lion at 1408.  I returned to watch more Turbans and noted that Grotto had quit by 1505.  We were fast approaching the end of Grand's window.  Riverside 1602, Turban 1605 (the end of the window), Daisy 1606, and Grand at 1607 (a T1Q, d ~11 minutes) and West Triplet at 1608.  I enjoyed the entire basin erupting and decided to gamble on catching a Great Fountain.  I arrived in time for the 3rd series.  MA Bellingham said the start was at 1607 (P=0) and that Fountain was also erupting during the start.  I watched several more series of a very nice eruption for Great Fountain and then headed back to the Upper Geyser Basin.  Artemisia was 1824 ie, Daisy 1834 ie (ending at 1838) and after dark had taken over (although there was a very nice full moon), I gave up on Oblong and headed in for the night.  Castle had not been seen that day and still had not erupted when I went in at 2000.  (The next day I found out that the electronic was for 2023.)
     The next morning (Oct. 17th) I was out bright and early (or should I say dark and early).  Vent was ie at 0650 (Grand's E was 0628), Grotto was ie at 0650 and off at ~0710.  Due to the lack of visibility, I headed down to the Lower Geyser Basin hoping for a Fountain.  I saw my first Jet at 0817 (one of what would be many).  At 1001 Morning's Theif started erupting and continued for an hour.  Finally Fountain at 1104 (duration = 30 minutes) but I didn't stay to watch if the pool dropped.  I had been away from the UGB to long.  Plume 1157, Oblong 1226ie, and Startling 1240 ie.  Daisy at 1250 (now the Visitor Center had an eruption time to base predictions on), Artemisia 1259 ie, and Grand chose to erupt early in the window at 1307 (T1Q, d~11 minutes), Grotto 1326 (NO Grotto Fountain), Plume 1331, and Depression 1339 ie.  Only one splash had been seen out of Beehive during the entire morning and so it was assumed that it had already erupted (while I was in the Lower Geyser Basin-before the VC was open).  At 1409, I hear a radio call.  Beehive!  Aargh!!!  I hurry from the Geyser Grill to catch the last 2 minutes (it has a rainbow in the eruption).  
     I decide to try for another Great Fountain before heading for home.  Luckily Rocco caught the overflow near the start.  Fountain erupts while I am waiting for Great Fountain, so I will radio the news that it is in the short mode at this time.  Great Fountain erupts at 1532 (P=0).  I enjoyed another very nice eruption and then headed for home at 1630.  I navigate my way cautiously through the Wapiti Valley (where the deer have moved in) and arrive home safe and sound, but tired.
     Oct. 22nd and 23rd promised to be a weekend of wonderful weather.  I would end up with my sleeves pushed up by Sunday, enjoying the sun, but trying not to get burned.  According to the Log, Beehive has been well behaved.  It erupted at 1051 on the 20th and 1141ns on the 21st.  Electronic readings were 0135 and 0801 for Grand and 0003 for a Castle Major.  I saw Plume at 0627 (semi dark) then headed for Great Fountain.  I arrived to the sound of overflow, followed shortly by the eruption at 0654 P=0.  I returned to find Grotto ie at 0805, Riverside in overflow at 0805, and Spa erupted at 0813 and decided that Grotto was in a Marathon.  I was keeping track of Daisy and Riverside when I noticed that Vent was erupting at 0856.  I found out later that it erupted just after I rode past on the paved path headed for Grotto.  The area was engulfed in geyser fog.  Riverside finally erupted at 0942.  Daryll S. called me on the radio and I joined Daryll and Ann on Geyser Hill hoping for a Beehive eruption.  Plume 1031, Old Faithful 1033, Oblong's steam cloud 1041ie, Beehive's Indicator at 1046 and Beehive 10 minutes later at 1056. I returned to watch Daisy at 1138 and then chose to head for the Lower Basin.  I saw Fountain's steam cloud as I dropped off the hill.  Daryll said it started at 1219 (d=26). Plume 1345.  I returned to the UGB in time to see that Castle had minored.  It was due between 1200 and 1400.  At 1400, I explained to the very patient visitors that Castle appeared to have minored.  I suggested they go wait for Grand and they waited all of 1 Turban.  Turban 1411, Grand 1434 (G2C).  The blue sky was beautiful and it was great to see a two burst Grand.  Dpression 1447 ie, Daisy 1457 ns, West Triplet 1521 ie.  I was waiting for Riverside and noticed a steam cloud up basin.  It turned out to be Castle in eruption at 1610.  Riverside 1619 with rainbows.  Lion had an initial at 1637 as I passed Castle which was puffing steam.  Grotto was still in eruption at 1700, so I went back to the Lower Basin detouring by way of Great Fountain which wasn't in overflow yet.  I headed for Fountain and saw my first Jet at 1726.  Fountain erupted at 1823 (d=28 minutes).  I returned to Great Fountain which I could hear was in overflow.  It finally erupted at 2013 (P=5).  
     I returned to the UGB and realized that Grand's window was starting.  I should have know when I arrived to find Rift ie at 2110 that I was due for a long wait.  The moon finally appeared in time for me to identify Riverside's steam cloud at 2259 ie.  The night was getting cooler and later I would discover that a heavy frost had coated the area, but at that time I was being particularly stubborn.  Grand's window was to end at 2350.  The final Turban was at 2349 and Grand finally took off like a shot 2 minutes later at 2351.  It was a T2*Q in the moon light.  Definitely worth it!  Daisy at 0000ie.  Time to head for bed.  
     October 23rd arrived all to early.  Plume 0708.  grand 0737 ie (_2Q).  (The electronic was 0734.)  At 0730, Variable Spring was full and I had missed the recovery hot period.  I headed back toward my car pedalling through the fog with very limited visibility.  As I passed Castle, the fog cleared.  Wow!  Crisp, blue sky with huge steam plumes touching the sky.  Plume 0844.  Oh oh! Is it??  I pedal fast for the overlook.  The area to the right of Beehive is buried in steam.  Beehive's Indicator at 0847 ie.  I believe it started right after Plume.  Beehive 0855.  Too bad the area didn't stay clear.  Beehive's lower half was buried in steam, but it sounded great.  Lion erupted at 0900 ie, but the Visitor Center couldn't even see it.  I returned to Riverside and found it in overflow at 1018.  I walked up to Artemisia and found the weasel still resides there.  I returned to catch Daisy at 1213 and Riverside at 1221.  Giant had a Hot Period at 1224.26.  The duration was 9m 20s.  Feather and Feather Sat. with Mastiff up to 3'.  The Hot Period had barely finished when I saw Oblong was ie ns at 1234.  (It ended at 1240 and had great thumps.)  
     I returned to my car to get rid of my excess coats, etc.  I noticed Plume at 1330 as I visited with Doug H.  I was heading back toward Castle to get another Grand whe I started to call Plume over the radio at 1441.  I realized that A) It appeared to be a little thicker than Plume, B) It didn't stop and start, but built into an eruption the height of a healthy Plume, C) lasted more than a minute, D) appeared to be a yellowy-brown in color, and E) seemed to be over to the right from where Plume should be.  I didn't succeed in getting a photo and decided to head to Grand.  Turbvan 1404.  Plume 1416.  West Triplet erupted at 1422 with a duration of 36 minutes.  Grotto Fountain started at 1434 and Grotto at 1448 (and would quit within the hour).  Doug called a Giant Hot Period at 1458 (duration ~3m50s).  Daisy at 1511 and Grand finally at 1539 (T1Q).  Lion had a 2nd eruption at 1556 and Depression was ie at 1608.  Once again I headed for home.  I enjoy my beautiful sunsets that I get to watch as I head out of the park.
     It doesn't look like the weather is very promising for this Saturday, but one can always hope.  Go Giant!  Kitt Barger      
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