[Geysers] Geyser report 5-26-05

Steve Robinson geysirs at comcast.net
Thu May 26 20:02:11 PDT 2005

Geysers seen close and far by me mostly with a couple of exceptions:
0541IE	Lion
0625		Plume
0631IE	Grotto, not too far into the eruption, Grotto Fountain still very 
wet 		and steamy. This Grotto turns out to be a marathon, still 
in 		eruption at 1700.
0640		weak Giant Hot Period sometime before this, Platform fairly 
wet, 		India was dry. This is my opinion based on what I saw.
0649		Sawmill
0712		Riverside
0727		Plume
0738		Grand T1C
0742IE	Rocket Major, H2O over the trees
0747IE	West Triplet
0832IE	Plate
0851IE	Little Cub
0908		H2O in the Beehive's Indicator, Thanks Kitt, I was over in 
the 		lower store parking lot in my van(rental van that is, I was 
rear 		ended in Bozeman on my way to Yellowstone, ruined my bike, 		bent my 
bike rack, crumbled the rear hatch and broke the rear 		window, fortunately 
nobody was hurt) downloading picture from 		my camera to my laptop.
0910		Beehive's Indicator
0919		Daisy
0924		Beehive
0930		Plume
1028IE 	Little Cub
!041IE	Giant Hot Period, D>7 minutes, India was 7/8 covered, 
Mastiff 		surging was 1-3 feet, vents involved-Feather, Feather 
Satellite, 		Southwest vents and heavy overflow from Turtle
1044		Castle called by Thomas Barger
1112		Lion
1123IE	Little Cub
1213		Daisy, I did not see any of this eruption, the only reason I put 
this 		in my report is because Kitt & I heard Scott's call while we 
were 		watching Silex Spring, it was having periodic heavy overflows.
1344		Riverside
1350		Oblong a little over 5 hour interval
1415IE 	Artemisia
1430		Turban 33 minutes D0
1441IE	Little Cub
1507		Daisy
1515 		West Triplet
1631		Grand D6T1C  My burst average for this year is now 1.5
1746		Frolic
1818		Frolic

This is all I have for today

Steve Robinson

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