FWD: [Geysers] OF lodge cabin NOW available 5/30-6/3

jacross jacross at lamar.colostate.edu
Sun Apr 10 16:06:54 PDT 2005

Dear Mike,

I am unaware of any effort on our part to routinely overbook lodging 
facilities and then trade amongst ourselves.

You do seem in quite a hurry to assume the worst about us.

Jeff Cross
jacross at lamar.colostate.edu

>===== Original Message From geyser observation reports <geysers at wwc.edu> 
>Dear Sirs,
>Having planned a visit to Yellowstone National Park this summer, I recently 
subscribed to an internet listserver run by a group of informally organized 
geyser enthusiasts.  I was startled to subsequently receive a number of 
messages such as the one following below.  Apparently, this group routinely 
overbooks your company's lodging facilities at Old Faithful, and then trades 
accomodations amongst themselves.  I was appalled by the sentiment "...rooms 
in the UGB seem extremely tight,we thought we should give...fellow gazers 
first shot at it."
>As a tax-paying citizen, I believe accomodations in a national park should be 
made available to the the public at large on an equal basis.
>What is your company's policy regarding this situation?
>Sincerely yours,
>Michael P. Jensen

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