[Geysers] Info. for April Sput

Dave Smith davesmith at bresnan.net
Wed Apr 5 17:31:12 PDT 2017


	My daughter Becca and I will be in the park June 25-30 and Aug 18-21.
Also, Becca will be attending the University of Portland this fall to
major in secondary education.

	Dave Smith 

----- Original Message -----
From: sgryc at comcast.net
To:"List Geyser" 
Sent:Tue, 4 Apr 2017 15:12:41 +0000 (UTC)
Subject:[Geysers] Info. for April Sput

Dear All,
I'm looking for your information for the next Geyser Gazer News.  Do
we have new GOSA associates to greet? Do you know the dates when you
will be in YNP?  Are there any signal accomplishments in your life
that we should celebrate?  Inquiring gazers want to know.
Thanks,Steve Gryc

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