[Geysers] Overhanging Geyser

Ralph Taylor ralph.c.taylor at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 09:01:21 PDT 2016

Wow!  It always looked pretty stable.  I wonder if ice load was part
of the cause?  Anyway, sad to see this unique feature's demise.  Here
is a view from 2003 taken while I was working as a volunteer for the

On 7/24/16, Ben Hoppe <ben.hoppe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> A couple of my co-workers at Grant Village were out on the lake on Friday,
> July 22. They told me they saw a "cliff geyser" erupting. I asked if they
> had photos, and they shared with me photos of Overhanging Geyser, however,
> the main overhang is no more. The photographs they have are attached. They
> observed Overhanging for over 10 minutes, and it was erupting water 2-3
> feet in height both vertically and horizontally for the entire time they
> watched.
> I kayaked out past Overhanging last September, and the entire feature was
> in tact, but I did notice bacteria growing on the underside of the feature
> where there was also dripping water. Once I can get a hold of a kayak, I
> will kayak out to observe it. I'll also see if I can track down a closer
> range of dates for when this may have collapsed.
> At West Thumb, nothing else has really changed all that much. We have some
> water in Twin Geysers this year, however it is still well below overflow.
> Much of the central boardwalk area has low waterlevels. Lakeshore Geyser
> should be completely exposed from the lake within the next week or two. On
> calm mornings, the pressure pool is not influenced at all by the lake.
> Cheers,
> Ben Hoppe
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