[Geysers] Geyser Report Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 15:50:45 PDT 2016

Geyser Report Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Today we got the blustery winds we missed yesterday.  That won't help the
fire situation.
It was a bit cooler, but not by the 15 degrees forecast.

At Artemisia yesterday I noticed log barricades at the north end of the
overlook and across the social trail up the rise to iron spring.  Both had
warning signs to stay on marked trail and thermal warnings.

Fountain: 0807 D=29
Jet 0708, 0715, 0722, 0729, (possible missed eruption), 0742, (another
possible missed eruption), 0804, 0810
Morning's Thief: 0809 (maybe 4 feet high), then a failed 2nd attempt
Grand: 1029 T2Q
Beehive: 1305
Beehive's Indicator geyser: 1250

I see in Geyser Times that Fan and Mortar erupted at 1600!

Barbara Lasseter
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