[Geysers] Geyser Report Friday, September 25, 2015

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 13:12:58 PDT 2015

Geyser Report Friday, September 25, 2015

I dodged bison patties from Madison Jct to Fountain Flat this AM.  They had
been well driven-over before my return.  There was more outbound traffic
than usual before 0600 on the W Entrance road.  Fog was not an issue, and
temps were 30-31 degrees.

The Lower Store closes the restaurant Sunday, a sure sign the season is
drawing to a close.

Overheard at Fountain: "That geyser is called Clydipsia."  I kind of like

I have a mental list of things I hope to do in Yellowstone, and I
accomplished one this AM.  All those road-killed snowshoe hares between
Biscuit and Black Sand disappear from the roadway quickly.  My plan was to
park near one and watch to see what made off with the meal.  There were 2
hares this AM.  Just as it was getting light, I chose my spot and waited.
Two ravens arrived in short order, followed quickly by 4 more, then I was
being entertained by a squabbling dozen when I saw in my rearview mirror a
coyote crossing the road.  He circled around opposite the melee, made his
grab, and had breakfast in the edge of the trees 8-10 feet from the
roadway.  One snowshoe hare gone.  I moved to a spot across from the 2nd
one and waited a few minutes.  The coyote returned for him before the
ravens found him over by the curb.  Again, the second course was consumed
just off the road.   I am eager to see my videos (with raven audio) and
still shots!

Fountain: 1038 D=30 (and 3/4) min
Morning's Thief: 1039, 1042
Pink 0930ie

Again, no Gemini as I watched White Dome, Botryoidal, and "Rejuvenated" for
an hour and a half.  Lots of sun on this AM's fountain, but lots of steam
as well, and in an unfavorable direction.

Barbara Lasseter
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