[Geysers] Geyser Report Saturday, July 18, 2015

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 14:19:49 PDT 2015

Geyser Report Saturday, July 18, 2015

Freezing fog when I hit Nez Perce Creek this AM.  The wipers left odd
streaks on the windshield.  Jim Scheirer reported frost on the
boardwalks this AM, too.

Midway was still closed when I passed at 0630, but open and doing big
business as I returned home.

The Bluff view from behind Grand Prismatic is confirmed CLOSED.
Citations will be written for violators per OF VC per LE.  A plan to
build a trail has been approved, but no start date mentioned.    Lots
of visitors where they shouldn't be and doing what they shouldn't do

Beehive: 1018
Beehive's Indicator Geyser: 1002
Grand: 0333E, 1237 T1Q
W Triplet: 1026, ended before 1105
No Rift
Oblong: 1043ie
Daisy: 1023
Grotto Fountain: 1122ie
Grotto: 1123
Fountain: Lynn Stephens saw at 0827ns and again 1331ns--both approx
30min duration
Great Fountain: 0120 GT (same to the minute as yesterday's E?), 1318
p=3 per Lynn
Pink Cone: 0736 (again per Lynn)

Barbara Lasseter

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