[Geysers] Mickey Hot Springs 3-28-15

Stephen Eide stepheneide at cableone.net
Sat Apr 11 19:50:15 PDT 2015

I have to give a correction, Andrea corrected me, the trip to Mickey was o
3-21-15, not on 3-28-15.  Sorry about that.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 7:23 PM, Genean Dunn <tddandngd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> Do you have any photos that we could use to illustrate your report on
> Mickey Hot Springs for the next Sput?
> Thanks,
> Genean
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Stephen Eide <stepheneide at cableone.net>
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I visited Mickey Hot Springs 3-28-15 with Andrea Eide, sorry I am late
>> with the report.  I'm trying to work hard to get to the park in a couple of
>> weeks.
>> First, the Geyser at Mickey Hot springs is active but just barely.  When
>> we first arrived it was overflowing and having small 1-1.5 foot
>> eruptions with a duration of a few seconds about twice a minute.  It is in
>> almost constant overflow, the overflow increases with the eruptions and it
>> would sometimes drop below overflow for a few seconds.   However as I
>> stayed in the area I realized that the eruptions quit for extended periods
>> of time.  I had one half hour period with no eruptions, followed by 3-5
>> minutes with eruptions twice a minute, then a ten minute gap before the
>> next eruption.  I think the biggest eruption would have made two feet.
>> The overflowing spring on the Northwest of the complex close to the
>> parking area is slightly cooler.  Two years ago I could touch the water in
>> the pool but not keep my hand in it.  Now I could keep my hand in the pool
>> for 5 seconds without discomfort.  It still has steady overflow.
>> The almost dried up pool on the northeast is about the same, the only
>> water is in the few vents in the bottom of the dry pool and they were
>> lukewarm at best.
>> The mud pots to the Southwest were quiet dry; some were just weak steam
>> vents.  The other pools in the South of the area were about the same to me;
>> bubbling but I think just below boiling with steady overflow from a couple
>> of the pools.
>> The steam vent to the East of the Geyser is still active, it is mostly a
>> small area of moist, bubbling gravel.
>> If you have any questions I can try to answer them.  I haven't looked at
>> the pictures yet but I don't expect much.  We did see an Antelope on the
>> way out.
>> Stephen Eide
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