[Geysers] Geyser Report Saturday, May 25, 2013

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Sat May 25 16:39:29 PDT 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

High 20's this AM, and high spirits for 14 gazers who caught Morning
at 0557 d=24.

The AM sun shifted to milky skies, temps rose to low 60's by 3PM.
Lots of gazers here now!

Beehive: 0113, 1254
Beehive's Indicator: 0053, 1230
Depression: 1308--no washing machine
Aurum 0824
Lion: 0722 (looked like initial d=6+min), 0832FRS
Little Cub ie @ 0639, 1047, 1127, 1248
Castle: 0829 minor
Grand: 0128ie, 0954 T2C
West Triplet: 0743 d=33, 1002
Oblong: 0702ns
Riverside: 1022FRS
Daisy: 0658, 0932ns, 1216
Grotto: 0533 start
Fountain: 1052 d=40
Great Fountain: [Fri 5/24 @ 2006], 0630ns
Morning: 0557 d=24
Spa: 1021FRS

Firehole Canyon drive opened during the day sometime.

Barbara Lasseter

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