[Geysers] Geyser report July 4-7: Miscellaneous

Tara Cross fanandmortar at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 9 18:33:47 PDT 2013

I was able to make a quick trip to the park July 4-7, 2013.  I spent a majority of my time in
the Fountain area, but I do have a few other miscellaneous reports.


Beehive’s shenanigans with
long-duration false Indicators started the morning I arrived and continued
until I left and beyond, so I did not see it. 
It looks like the false Indicator activity is like that seen during
prior similar episodes:  durations over
45 minutes (often about an hour) and intervals of 4-5 hours.  Meanwhile, Beehive was still erupting, you just didn't know which Indicator it would erupt on, and
there was even an 8h08m interval on July 5.  I guess now Beehive has slowed down or maybe even stopped.


It was reported to me that Terra
Cotta C is active.  I didn’t see it;
perhaps Jeff Cross or someone else will have more information.


Will Boekel reported that Fan and
Mortar were having event cycles before the 2-day mark.  I did not see an event cycle myself but based
on Will’s reports they are continuing to occur. 
Based on prior reactivations, it may be at least a month or two
before F&M have settled into a regular pattern.


>From Midway Geyser Basin, I saw
Flood in eruption several times on my many commutes to Fountain but did not see


In the Kaleidoscope Group, I saw
Drain on July 4 and several eruptions of Kaleidoscope on July 5. 
I also saw “1B” a few times. 
There are two mid-sized angled geysers erupting on the west side of the
Sprinkler Group.  There has been much
discussion about what these features are, but without definitive answers.  The larger of the two geysers was frequent,
with some intervals of only a few minutes. 
The smaller geyser was seen occasionally.
My observations of Fountain and Morning will be in another report.
--Tara Crossfanandmortar at hotmail.com


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