[Geysers] Geyser Report Saturday, September 22, 2012

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 13:40:27 PDT 2012

Wow! Today was bicycle madness day.  It caught me unprepared.  Many,
Many bicyles from WYS to OF and back.  Cyclists of varying abilities
wobbling along the shoulder, dodging in and out of traffic to pass
others, or just speeding downhill in the middle of the traffic
lane--all with opposing traffic doing more sightseeing than driving.
Lots of vehicular traffic--was this fee admission weekend? It's a
relief to be safely home.

The Old Faithful Inn has NO flagpoles.  They are being restored and
should be replaced in 1-2 weeks.

Grand: yesterday at 2254E, today at 0414E, 0939 G1C (predicted for 1015)
Plume on day 16 of dormancy
Depression: 0735ie
Castle: 4 minute minor at 0854
Turban: 0922
Oblong: 0902ns
Daisy: 0842ns
Grotto: 0830ie and fairly near start
Great Fountain: 0230ns VR, 1239 p=0
Sawmill 0922ns
Tilt's Baby: 0759
Dome was active this AM
Uncertain: 0916
White Dome: 1052, 1124, 1308
Morning's Thief: 1159 initial, about 1235, 1258

Day starts in mid 20's and rises to high 60's.  The morning cool
lingers as the sun struggles to reach thru smoke low on the horizon,
but it's blazing by noon.

Barbara Lasseter

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