[Geysers] Woodside Geyser

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 20:54:32 PDT 2012

Clark Murray and I briefly stopped by Woodside Geyser's area on our way east from Salt Lake City, UT, and this is what we saw--a serious state of disrepair. Apparently the property is for sale, and the fencing prevents anyone from going near the geyser, which was probably a football-field length from where we were standing on Highway 6, between Price and Green River, UT. We did not see anything erupt from where we were during the 15 minutes we were in the area--I believe Woodside erupted tall enough to be seen from the road at one time. 

Very sad about the Utah cold geysers.
Pat Snyder & Clark Murray

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