[Geysers] North Googles 5-11-2012

Michael Goldberg goldbeml at ucmail.uc.edu
Tue May 15 18:17:29 PDT 2012

Robert, thanks for the update.

In the 1990s, whenever a series of North Goggle minors was in progress, 
every one of the overflow periods that didn't feature an eruption would 
have a flurry of boiling six inches to a foot high.

For whatever reason the first overflow cycle (about 30 minutes after the 
previous minor eruption) usually didn't trigger an eruption, but the next 
one or the one after that might.  A lot of in-series intervals were 40-50 
minutes that year.

The boiling with each overflow cycle would continue for a few hours after 
a series was over, as North Goggle gradually cooled down.

Michael Goldberg
michael.Goldberg at uc.edu

On Tue, 15 May 2012, robert lieb wrote:

> I just got home from my weekend trip to YNP and I would like to clarify 
> the reports of North Goggles on the 11th from 15:00 onwards.
> I can verify that the minors reported in geysertimes.org for 15:25, 
> 16:23, 17:50, and 19:14 were all true minors being at least 6-10 feet 
> tall and lasting at least 20 seconds.  I was in the immediate vicinity 
> for all of them.  The minor reported at 16:13 was definitely only a 
> strong boil and not an eruption.
> I took video of the Goggles activity that afternoon and will post an 
> edited video to youtube soon under the name of RFL611.
> Robert Lieb

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