[Geysers] North Goggles on 6 July

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Tue Jul 10 19:11:22 PDT 2012

I got to watch some of the series of six minors on 6 July.  As I arrived on
Geyser Hill, Lion erupted at 0523ie and I checked North Goggles and it was
boiling on each overflow.  I watched 5 overflows with durations of 2-3 min
and regular intervals of 11 minutes.   Lion then had another eruption at
0622 which was the last in its series.  


0622 Lion


0626  North Goggles started an extended overflow  on the next rise.  It
overflowed for 30min and there were some small bubbles rising.

0656 dropped, down for 16 minutes

0712 rose for a minute but did not go into overflow, then dropped and boiled
at depth

0722 rose into overflow for 2min and boiled, then dropped

0732 North Goggles Minor, 71 minutes after Lion


0741 rose but did not go into overflow, then dropped

0750 rose and boiled, overflowed for 2 1/2 minutes, then dropped

0801 rose and boiled, overflowed for 2 1/2 minutes, then dropped

0812 rose and boiled stronger, overflowed for 2 minutes, then dropped

0823 North Goggles Minor, 51 minute interval


I then left to get breakfast but Dan Miller stayed and said North Goggles
had another extended overflow for 18min before the next eruption (I may have
gotten the order wrong here)


0915 North Goggles Minor, 52 minute interval

0954 North Goggles Minor, 39 minute interval


I was back on-site for the next eruption

1036 North Goggles Minor, 42 minute interval


1041 rose and started an extended overflow for 18 minutes, dropping at 1059

1116 North Goggles Minor, 40 minute interval


Observations continued after this point with boiling at most rises but we
all got distracted by Beehive's Indicator at 1216 and Beehive at 1235 so I
am not sure if there were any more minors but it did appear that North
Goggles was cooling off.


There was some bubbling and minor boil in Goggles Spring and one of the
North Goggles eruptions I saw was followed by the splashing from depth for
several minutes.


Checking Geysertimes.org I see there was another series with 5 eruptions on
the 5th with intervals declining from 69 to 30 minutes.  Unfortunately I
missed the Major on 1 July.


Graham Meech.






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