[Geysers] Geyser times

Seeyellowstone at aol.com Seeyellowstone at aol.com
Sun Jan 1 06:27:02 PST 2012

Happy New Years to all, and may everyone's year be filled with eruptions of 
 new and familiar geysers.
I wanted to remind everyone that we are doing our daily geyser sightings/  
time on the Yellowstone Tour Guides facebook page.  We will also (starting  
today), post the times from the book for the previous day, along with 
occasional  photos of geysers on the page.  I don't have much time for the  
computer (I would rather be in the park!) and I have found we can post geyser  
times for the gazers and wildlife sightings for the fur gazers on one spot,  
lessening our computer time.
Beehive 12:30; Fountain 13:49 (start); Morning's Thief 13:49 and  13:52.
Jim Holstein
Yellowstone Tour Guides
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