[Geysers] Fan and Mortar details, June 29

william barger bkbarger at bresnan.net
Wed Aug 22 20:34:33 PDT 2012

I arrived at the rock pile at 1102 and Bryan who had been watching it off and 
on told me that he had had a Kaboom.  I pedalled to the pit and upon returning 
said, "You had a what?"  He said, "A Kaboom.  You know when Main has a huge 
splash."  I told him that is what we call, "White Stuff."  He then told me 
that Main had been splashing for the last 10 minutes.  I put out a hurried 
radio call as gazers had just watched Grand and many of them were getting 
ready to leave the basin.  Unfortunately I didn't write down which vent 
started the eruption.  I was just happy that many of the gazers were able to 
get there in time.  From what Bryan told me about the time before I arrived, 
it was my understanding that there was not a Pause of any kind.  Kitt Barger

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 02:41:39 -0600
  Tara Cross <fanandmortar at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I realized that the details from the June 29 Fan and Mortar eruption never 
>got posted.  Sorry for the huge delay.  Kitt Barger called the event cycle.
> 1052 Main Vent first splash
> 1105 Bottom Vent #1 (d~8m)
> 1118 Bottom Vent #2 (d~6m)
> 1128 Bottom Vent #3
> 1136 River on
> 1141 Gold, Angle
> 1158 High steady
> 1206 Lock
> 1210 Fan and Mortar
> No one recorded what happened before Main Vent started splashing, but it is 
>likely that there was no pause.  What struck me about this event cycle was 
>that the water levels started out good, as usual, but then dropped and were 
>not very good at all.  Gold had very little water for at least several 
>minutes.  I am not sure I have ever seen an eruption after such poor water 
>levels.  But they came back, with high very quickly going into lock behavior. 
> Gold took longer to rebound but eventually joined in the lock.
> I didn't write down which vent started first or a duration, sorry.
> --Tara Cross
> fanandmortar at hotmail.com

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