[Geysers] Unnamed geyser on Geyser Hill near Sponge (Schwarz)

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Tue Aug 21 16:38:42 PDT 2012

Graham wrote: Here's a photo from the boardwalk in 2007 with two features  
erupting, I was
told the left one was Slot and the right one closer to Plate  was an UNNG.
Of course there might be an unnamed crack further to the left  too... Given
the shape of the eruption seen on the webcam, it looks more  likely to come
from the round vent on the right.

Can anyone confirm  which one is Slot?
Scott sez:
Based on Graham's photo, I think he is right -- I think the  round crater 
is unnamed, that it is not Slot. Slot is the thing spraying to the  left of 
the crater. And the crater is what I was referring to as having seen in  2010 
and wet in 2012. My opinion only, but I therefore think the apparent  
statements by Ralph and David are incorrect -- I do not think the round crater  
is Slot (think about the name, for starters). In any case, the Webcam shots 
are  undoubtedly from the crater.
Scott Bryan
In a message dated 8/21/2012 2:54:41 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
meechg at verizon.net writes:

Subject:  Re: [Geysers] Unnamed geyser on Geyser Hill near Sponge  (Schwarz)

Great!  A few years back Ralph Taylor taught me the  litany: From right to
left, Plate, Slot, unnamed crack next to Slot,  Boardwalk, Park Place.

Mike O'Brien

On Aug 20, 2012, at 5:54 PM,  Mary Beth Schwarz wrote:

>       Today I saw David Goldberg who checked the geyser near Sponge
yesterday 19  August and confirmed that it is eruptions of Slot Geyser that
we are  seeing.
>      Mary Beth  Schwarz
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