[Geysers] Black Diamond area

Seeyellowstone at aol.com Seeyellowstone at aol.com
Mon Oct 31 18:20:07 PDT 2011

Looking at the pools for two days in a row and having a little more time to 
 observe it today, it does appear that Salt and Pepper's murky eruption was 
due  to debris washing into the geysers.  Also judging by the washed grass, 
this  eruption(s) put out a tremendous amount of water, washing the area up 
to 1/2  meter higher than the pools, and stretching from the boardwalk to 
beyond Salt  and Pepper.  Sandy, muddy water spots are still visible on the  
boardwalk.  While we were at Biscuit Basin we had two period of heavy  
boiling out of Black Diamond, up to 3 feet high and increasing the runoff in the  
channels. I called them on the radio, but I don't believe anyone could hear 
me  at Beehive.  The boils were at 13:56 and 14:01. Bill Warnock saw no 
runoff  both today and yesterday and I saw runoff both today and yesterday.  
Bill,  Steve, we should exchange phone numbers in the basin when I'm there 
again on  Wednesday.
Jim Holstein
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