[Geysers] geyser report Tues 5-31-11

David Prast davidjprast at gmail.com
Tue May 31 19:37:27 PDT 2011

And just how "nice" was the weather today?

David Prast

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Barbara Lasseter <
barbara.lasseter at gmail.com> wrote:

> A nice weather day, and the Memorial Day crowds seem to be gone !
> Beehive 1417 no indicator.  The indicator did bubble for a few seconds
> 2-3min into the eruption, but never came on.
> Grand 0736 T2Q
> Plume 0716, 0820, 0928, 1029, 1134, 1233, 1335, 1435--on at least 5 of
> those I counted-- 5 bursts each time
> Lion: 0815, 0932, 1037, 1140, 1243, 1352
> Little Cub ie at 0826, 0903, 0940, 1016, 1052, 1131, 1206, 1240, 1314,
> 1348, 1421
> Riverside: 0604, 1231
> Daisy: 0623, 0924,...,1425
> Grotto 1320 with grotto fountain at 1318
> Fountain 0554ie
> Great Fountain 0630ns
> Churn: 0734, 0841
> Depression: 0938 (brief and weak eruption), 1333
> Aurum: 1006ie, 1405
> Artemisia steam cloud was reported at 1040ie
> Lone Pine 1157ie
> Penta 1332
> I left before the 2nd Grand.  The Lion 6th was strong enough that I
> fully expected a 7th.  All 5 of the Old Faithful eruptions I saw were
> long.
> Barbara Lasseter
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