[Geysers] Mac Streaming Cam Issues

Vladimir Lipkin vladimir.lipkin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 14:34:53 PDT 2011

Works from my Mac. Images is good quality. Looks like not enough fps.

On Jun 23, 2011, at 6:08 AM, SnowMoon Photography wrote:

> YNP tweeted about having a flash version, but maybe now that's the only version??? A response from someone on a Mac says it works, though.
> The windows media one doesn't work on my PC right now.
> http://twitter.com/#!/YellowstoneNPS 
> We are testing a new live streaming video feed from Old Faithful in Adobe Flash. Test page at: http://ow.ly/5ohd9
> Janet White
> SnowMoon Photography
> On 6/22/2011 10:19 AM, Pat Snyder wrote:
>> Hello. 
>> After merrily moving along watching the webcam for years with Windows Media Player, something happened recently and I can no longer access the camera by that method. I just get a blank screen that says "waiting."
>> I followed all the instructions on the NPS site about it, downloaded Flip4Mac, installed it, opened Quicktime, and it worked for about one day. Now I can no longer access the streaming cam by that method either.
>> This is the URL I have for the streaming cam:
>> http://npslivewm.fplive.net/npslive-live/Yellowstone
>> Is that incorrect? It is the one that worked fine for a day, then quit, and now it hangs up Quicktime so that I have to force quit the program.
>> Any Mac folks out there that can help, please? It would be most appreciated! At work, I am OS 10.5.8 (Leopard) and at home my system is newer, Snow Leopard. Can't get it to work under either system.
>> Thanks.
>> Pat Snyder
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