[Geysers] 19, 20, and 21 July 2011 (Schwarz)

caros at xmission.com caros at xmission.com
Thu Jul 21 21:11:42 PDT 2011

Actually for Dick, but I wondered if others would be interested. I  
wondered if Dick would be willing to write up a bit about his  
experience at Morning Mist. Does this mean it actually had a series,  
and do these represent isolated bursts many minutes apart? Did you  
catch the beginning and if so could you describe any pre-play? Was the  
overflow to Nez Perce hug and heavy or fairly light? And things like  
Karen Webb

Quoting Mary Beth Schwarz <schwarzmb at gmail.com>:

> 19 July 2011:
>      Morning Mist  1315 (7'),  1434 (4'),  1436 (6'),  1550 (3'),  1621 (to
> 2')  from Dick Powell
> 20 July 2011:
>      Fountain  2037 (d=30m)
>      Grand  0922(G2Q)  (NOT G1Q typo yesterday),  1928(V0/T3Q)
>      Great Fountain  1655ns,  or OF logbook 1648?  (is the Pause the
> difference?)
>      Oblong 1832
> 21  July  2011:
>      Artemisia  0629ie
>      Aurum  1050
>      Beehive  0230
>      Castle  0234  MAJOR
>      Daisy  0607
>      Depression  0632,  0926ie
>      Dome  0627
>      Fountain 0814
>      Grand  0343(T1C),  0947(_1Q)
>      Great Fountain  0529ie
>      Little Cub  0944ie,  1058ie
>      Oblong  0554ie
>      Plume  0647,  0939,  1033ie,
>      Rift  1019
>      Sawmill  0635ns
>      Sputnik  0959,  1002,  1004,  1005,  1009,  1012,  1015,  1013,
>      West Triplet  0956
>                The overnight low in West Yellowstone and at OF was about 31
> degrees so maybe some of the voracious mosquitoes were killed.
>                Grand at 0947 today (21 July) was a 6h 4m interval, the
> shortest we have seen this summer.
>                Bulger had a major at 1032.  Water rose in Bulger's hole at
> 1036 and there was bubbling, but then it drained without erupting.  Tardy
> was still ie after a Tardy cycle and during the drain.  Sawmill had water
> dropping very low in  the crater when I left.  Some gazers planned to
> observe the next cycle of the Sawmill group to see what Bulger and its hole
> would do.
>           Mary Beth Schwarz

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