[Geysers] Midway report

Ruth & Leslie Quinn ruthleslie.ynp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 18:09:55 PST 2011

    I'm unsure of which channel you're referring to. The prominent runoff channel that flows into the Firehole River south of Excelsior's runoff channels is that of Indigo Spring, and is normally a rather copious one. Is that the one you're referring to? I'm unaware of any from Grand Prismatic Spring itself in this area.
Just one of the rabble,
Leslie Quinn
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: carolyn loren 
  To: geyser listserve 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 2:56 PM
  Subject: [Geysers] Midway report

  Let's see if I can explain this guide report.
  The runoff channel that flows into the Firehold River from Grand Prismatic, south of Exelsior's runoff channel, was reported empty yesterday morning, 1/10.
  And Grand was reported by visitors this morning at 0921.
  We'll be out predicting tomorrow morning...
  Carolyn Loren


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