[Geysers] GOSA Transactions 12 submission guidelines

Tara Cross fanandmortar at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 4 12:37:26 PST 2011

As the Transactions editors look forward to the volume 12 submission guideline of June 1, 2011, we have made some changes to the submission guidelines that will hopefully smooth out the layout process and update citation styles.  The new guidelines are attached.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to authors.

Also, aside from the article we have already received, we have also heard from some of you about possible submissions.  For planning purposes, we'd like to know whether these are still in the works.  And of course if you have an article idea you haven't contacted us about, please let us know.  Our email address is:  gosatransactions at gmail.com

Based on what we've heard of so far, T12 should be an interesting volume, but we're always interested in new ideas!


Transactions 12 editors

Tara Cross
Jeff Cross
Pat Snyder
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