[Geysers] Fountain Geyser updated

Lucille Reilly thedulcimerlady at juno.com
Mon Aug 29 10:11:30 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,


I'm looking forward to being in YNP as of late Thursday for a couple days;
it is high time for a real vacation, and we haven't been up in about four
years.  If the weather is cold enough (after all, 9/1 signals the onset of
winter in YNP), I will be easy to spot, in my hand-knitted, Yellowstone
story sweater.  Please introduce yourselves in the basin or wherever.  We'll
be staying at OL.  I'm guessing dinner reservations at OFI are about
impossible, but if anyone knows anything otherwise, feel free to contact me




Lucille Reilly

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