[Geysers] Bulger's Hole

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 05:04:44 PDT 2011

I photographed a Bulger eruption the morning of May 31, 2011, and have a series of 12 photos taken at the same angle as the one attached. Is the dark patch to the lower right the "crack" that opened before the "hole"?

Pat Snyder 

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On Aug 1, 2011, at 2:06 AM, <Dan.Miller at innovaltec.com> <Dan.Miller at innovaltec.com> wrote:

> Jim S  has been monitoring the changes in the hole all season, but had not 
> seen an eruption till July.
> The first known visible eruption was I think July 3rd when Dan Hatfield 
> saw it. There were too many people waiting at Grand for me to get a photo! 
> The water was very milky  but I was not at the hole. The height appeared 
> to comparable with that Ben videoed. 
> The next two were on July 5th. They were spaced out and separate 
> eruptions, both with a Bulger major, and not a series in the way that Ben 
> showed on the video ie during one Bulger eruption. Tricia has photos from 
> the time and has sent these separately to the list server.
> Dan Miller (dan.miller @innovaltec.com)

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